Where? Rome, Italy
Recommended by Kelly Amabile
Kelly said: "Not sure if this one sells English language books, but it looks fantastic."
Indeed it does look amazing! And plus, it contains publications in the English language - mostly on art but no wonder since it is an integral part of one of Rome's leading exhibition centers. The Bookàbar Bookshop is located in the Palazzo delle Esposizioni, the largest inter-disciplinary exhibition area in central Rome: over 10,000 square metres on three floors. The Palazzo also includes a cinema, an auditorium (a multi-media hall with seating for 90 people) and a Forum. Other services include a restaurant and Bookàbar - a bookshop and a café - located in an amazing space definitely worth a visit.
The large Bookàbar bookshop, designed by architect Firouz Galdo, occupies an area of about 450 square metres and consists of three large rooms: two devoted to books, catalogues, music CDs and DVDs – national and international mainly about art but also architecture and design, and particularly rich in subject matter connected with the Palazzo exhibitions; the third, connected to the other rooms, sells dedicated merchandising, closely following current trends. The bookshop has an independent entrance from Via Milano, at the corner of Via Nazionale, making it independent from the exhibition area.

via Milano 15/17
Webiste: http://english.palazzoesposizioni.it/canale.asp?id=14
Phone and Email:
06 48913361
Working Hours:
Mon Closed
Tue-Wed 10-20
Fri-Sat 10-22.30
Sun 10-20
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Are photos allowed in this bookstore?
When we were there almost 2 years ago, we took some photos - no one seemed to mind, and I don't think there were any signs around saying no picture taking is allowed, so YES, I guess photos are allowed there :)
Check my new book out Living in the shadow of my famous parent.Book can be order from outskirtspress..Author Charles lingo.You can alsl see this book on Amazon.
Don't go here changed alot since this article was written. Not very nice now
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