By guest blogger Kim Heijdenrijk

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The majority of European countries have a fixed book price. Some of them are regulating the prices of books for over a hundred years now; other countries are relatively new to the concept. The Fixed Book Price Agreement (FBPA) means, in short, that offering books at competitive prices is forbidden. No big deal for the big book chains, but a possible horror story for the independent bookseller.
After a gap year, I worked for an independent bookstore for a while. This bookstore is one of the largest, if not the largest, of the Netherlands. The shop is situated at a fantastic location and has a very good assortment of books in every category. Above this, the departments are maintained by people who truly have a love for books. All of this has become their ‘specialty’, the reason why people go there instead of a big chain. After a while, I got the responsibility of the English department. This meant that I would meet representatives of publishers who would try to sell their titles.

This particular Dutch bookstore is very fortunate. A success story if you will. But only because of the business strategy they chose. Books as a core business, other products to stay afloat. How many independent booksellers are in the position to do this? How do you get people to buy at your shop instead of the big chains that are on every high street? The obvious - if not the only - way is to do what supermarkets do. Have a sale. Lower the prices of particular products, in this case particular books. A very good idea, if the Fixed Book Price Agreement did not forbid it.
Let me explain what the FBPA exactly is. Publishers and booksellers of several different countries have agreed at some point to fix the price of new books that are sold. The reason why this agreement came to existence is to make sure booksellers compete with the books they sell, instead of the prices they sell them at. This in order to make sure that non-best sellers have a bigger chance of being bought. That made me think for a while too. I will explain later.
Almost half the time, the fixed price agreement has been turned into a law. On the first of January 2005, it became a law in my country (The Netherlands). Even though there was an agreement since 1923, it created a big stir in the book market. Other countries that have a fixed book price by law are for instance Argentina, Austria, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Mexico, Portugal and Spain.

Now the idea behind the FBPA. The idea is that bookshops make the most money on bestsellers. These books, like Harry Potter or the Da Vinci Code, cost little effort to sell. And hardly any advertising money for the bookseller, because these books get enough exposure. Without the fixed book price, a bookshop could offer these books at competitive prices to lure readers into their shops. With the fixed prices, the booksellers loose this advantage.
The publishers want the bookstores to promote lesser known - more specialized - books instead of the ‘high flyers’. They want to create ‘bibliodiversity’, as is stated in a paper by the International Publishers Association. To make sure that the shop owners practice this innovative word, the publishers offer a guaranteed/larger margin on the bestsellers. This way everybody wins. The publisher knows that the ‘big’ books will sell anyway and therefore they can give a good profit margin to the bookseller. The bookseller should be able to fund the promotion of\ the ‘small’ books because of this. And they live happily ever after…

How different is the story for the independent bookseller. The book freak that started his little shop out of passion. Little shop. Little money. Little margins. No big PR department. This entrepreneur is the buyer, the PR person and sales person all at the same time. And does it for the love of books. But mostly because he cannot afford to hire people for these specific tasks. Nobody starts a bookshop to become rich, you just do not earn enough per book. Bookstores are born out of passion. At least the independent ones are.
The so called ‘benefits’ for these little shops can only be viewed as ludicrous. The fixed book price would protect them from the competition of supermarkets in their area that sell books at bargain prices. For this reason the independent bookseller in less convenient places would have a better chance of survival. I would advise the creator of this benefit to pick up an economy book. The buyer of books in the supermarket is, of course, an entirely different person than the one purchasing a book in a bookshop. The books available at supermarkets are there for the impulse buyer. A person who does not read a lot and heard from a friend that he should read a certain book.
I try to buy most of my books at independent bookstores now. Even though I am often tempted to go into one of those chain stores. It is convenient because they are everywhere, but it makes me feel good to help a struggling independent bookstore. Hey, that’s the benefit of the fixed prices; you know the books cost the same anyway.
Centraal Planbureau:
European Writers Congress:
European Booksellers Federation:
International Publishers Association:
Images used: (Author's archive)
1: One of the few bookshops in Las Vegas. This independent bookstore in the Mandalay Bay hotel on the Strip is now closed.
2: Thalia is a chain of bookstores in Germany, one of the first countries that introduced the fixed book price.
3: The Dutch chain Selexyz got the opportunity to turn a church in the city of Maastricht into a bookshop.
_ _European Writers Congress:
European Booksellers Federation:
International Publishers Association:
Images used: (Author's archive)
1: One of the few bookshops in Las Vegas. This independent bookstore in the Mandalay Bay hotel on the Strip is now closed.
2: Thalia is a chain of bookstores in Germany, one of the first countries that introduced the fixed book price.
3: The Dutch chain Selexyz got the opportunity to turn a church in the city of Maastricht into a bookshop.
More articles from this series:
An Insight into the Current State of Independent Bookselling – An Introduction
Independent Bookstores in Danger of Extinction – Who is to Blame?
Chain Bookstores: The Rise, Struggle and Downfall?
Independent Booksellers: What Can Be Done To Help?
An Interview with an Antiquarian Bookseller: The Caretaker
Literaturhaus: Books, Words and Much Much More
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Yeah, I think this idea is silly. I can understand the reasoning behind it but it ultimately will not benefit the independents. How about fixed prices for large chain stores that deal in hundreds and sometimes thousands of individual titles? How about a law that states that if you buy X number of books to sell in your stores you can charge no more than Y. That way, the independents who sometimes only buy a few, 10, 25 copies of a book can charge slightly more. As for those who say they will charge much more . . . it wouldn't make sense for them to do that because they would price themselves out of the market. The independents need a little more freedom, and they are going to disapper if this law says in place.
And, yes, if you couldn't guess already, I'm from America. But having worked in an independet bookstore for over two years I know. This is not highly paid work, it is a labor of love (one maybe I will get to do again some day) with long hours and virtually no profit. The FBPA only makes it harder for the independents in Europe.
Especially since this article is encouraging people to shop at independent bookstores, I wish the author hadn't been so coy about the name/location of this great bookshop in the Netherlands!
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