Sad as it is, most of our previous articles focused on different obstacles and problems that people involved in independent bookselling have to face and cope with. This is understandable, as the conditions for opening a new indie bookstore are not very favorable these days and even some of the long-established names are having difficult times surviving.

The fact that this specific sci-fi became a true story in reality can serve as an inspiration for many others and it proves that, from time to time, the most improbable projects see the light of the day. But that’s not all. The concept is spreading and several new similar institutions have emerged in different countries. And that’s more than a mere lucky accident which doesn’t have much meaning in the long run. This means, that this idealistic project is well alive and working. And this is our attempt to explore why and how…
It all started in Berlin…
The concept originated in Germany, where the very first of these Houses was opened in Berlin back in 1986. It has slowly spread through several German cities and subsequently to some other countries as well. Although the name has slightly varied from one country to another (Litteraturhuset, International House of Literature), the original name of the first such institution in Berlin stuck well and the term Literaturhaus was adopted by most of its successors.

Literature above all
Literature in this setting has gained a new dimension. As almost all of its aspects are combined under one roof, the program directors of the Houses of Literature are trying to present its full potential. It is not understood as a relic which is unable to attract the public’s attention and is way behind other, more interactive art forms. The demand is obviously there and every Literatruhaus is doing its best to fulfill it. In the words of Rainer Moritz, the program director at the Literaturhaus Hamburg: "We've got the stuff for the reading addict and we're just the dealer of the legal drug and help people have their next trip."

One of the main and characteristic features is a space dedicated solely to writers who are invited to live and work right in the premises of the given Literaturhaus. Writers and translators, both local and foreign, are invited to become a part of the Literaturhaus community and to add to the creative atmosphere. All of the Houses are keen on promoting free speech and they definitely don’t avoid controversial topics – discussions covering not only literary but very often also political, cultural or any other current issues are held on regular basis with the participation of very interesting experts from the concerned fields.

And the bill goes to…
The question that inevitably arises concerns the way these institutions are able to cover the costs associated with their functioning. And indeed, keeping a balanced budget is one of the main challenges of each Literaturhaus, as their scope of activities is quite far from modest. It is very important to realize that these institutions are far away from a local independent bookstore where the owner makes most, if not all, of the decisions regarding its future. Houses of Literature are big conglomerates in every sense of this word and their successful functioning requires a very high level of cooperation between different sections and all the organizations involved. Good management is as important as a strong belief in the principles and ideals of the Literaturhaus project.
This is also evident if you look at the organizational model of the Houses. Literaturhuset in Oslo operates as an independent foundation run by a seven-member board of trustees. However, the power of the Houses of Literature lies in their ability cooperate with a wide variety of organizations and thus multiply their potential to offer quality events in different fields.
The strategy adopted by the Houses relies on diversifying the financial resources instead of relying on a single income source. One of the ways to cover the expenses is renting out their premises for cultural events organized by different institutions or groups. This opportunity is open to commercial companies as not all the events are open to public. Some of the activities are also financially supported by the governments of the given country. Another important source of income is represented by donations from individuals, interest groups or foundations.
Travel without moving
Of course, it would be very naïve to think that it is possible to establish a Literaturhaus in any city. The experience of the existing ones shows that it requires a whole set of favorable conditions to be present in one place at the right time. And even then, the commitment to delivering a quality program on a regular basis means an almost constant struggle for finances.

Literaturhaus is a space where literature has found not only its shelter but also home. The fact that special places like these exist and are actually growing in number is definitely something to build on.
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Bowen, K. (2010): Jury announces long list for German Book Prize
Soltau, H. (2010): Germany's 'literature houses' stress reading books over selling them
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More articles from this series:
The Indie Bookstore: How to Expand Your Influence and Become an Integral Part of Your Community
An Interview with an Antiquarian Bookseller: The Caretaker
Independent Booksellers: What Can Be Done to Help?
Chain Bookstores: The Rise, Struggle and Downfall?
Independent Booksellers and the Fixed Book Price: a Horror Story?
Independent Bookstores in Danger of Extinction – Who is to Blame?
An Insight into the Current State of Independent Bookselling – An Introduction
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